Buchanans 12 Years Scotch Whiskey 750ml
With a rich history spanning almost a century, Buchanans 12-year old whisky is a highly renowned and prestigious brand in the world of Scotch whisky. Boasting a delicate and fruity taste, complete with hints of orange and chocolate, this whisky can be enjoyed neat or mixed with soda, with a touch of orange peel as garnish. Originally known as Buchanan's Finest Liqueur, the blend was meticulously crafted and approved by the brand's namesake, James Buchanan, resulting in a smooth and refreshing profile that sets it apart from other, more robust whisky blends.
1.5 oz. Buchanan's Deluxe 12 Year Old
5 oz. pineapple juice
1 pineapple slice
1 orange slice
Glassware:Rocks Glass;Highball Glass
Combine Buchanan’s 12-Year-Old DeLuxe and fresh pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker with ice
Shake well
Strain contents into a Highball glass or hollowed-out pineapple over fresh ice
Garnish with a fresh orange slice and fresh pineapple slice.
With a rich history spanning almost a century, Buchanans 12-year old whisky is a highly renowned and prestigious brand in the world of Scotch whisky. Boasting a delicate and fruity taste, complete with hints of orange and chocolate, this whisky can be enjoyed neat or mixed with soda, with a touch of orange peel as garnish. Originally known as Buchanan's Finest Liqueur, the blend was meticulously crafted and approved by the brand's namesake, James Buchanan, resulting in a smooth and refreshing profile that sets it apart from other, more robust whisky blends.
1.5 oz. Buchanan's Deluxe 12 Year Old
5 oz. pineapple juice
1 pineapple slice
1 orange slice
Glassware:Rocks Glass;Highball Glass
Combine Buchanan’s 12-Year-Old DeLuxe and fresh pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker with ice
Shake well
Strain contents into a Highball glass or hollowed-out pineapple over fresh ice
Garnish with a fresh orange slice and fresh pineapple slice.
With a rich history spanning almost a century, Buchanans 12-year old whisky is a highly renowned and prestigious brand in the world of Scotch whisky. Boasting a delicate and fruity taste, complete with hints of orange and chocolate, this whisky can be enjoyed neat or mixed with soda, with a touch of orange peel as garnish. Originally known as Buchanan's Finest Liqueur, the blend was meticulously crafted and approved by the brand's namesake, James Buchanan, resulting in a smooth and refreshing profile that sets it apart from other, more robust whisky blends.
1.5 oz. Buchanan's Deluxe 12 Year Old
5 oz. pineapple juice
1 pineapple slice
1 orange slice
Glassware:Rocks Glass;Highball Glass
Combine Buchanan’s 12-Year-Old DeLuxe and fresh pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker with ice
Shake well
Strain contents into a Highball glass or hollowed-out pineapple over fresh ice
Garnish with a fresh orange slice and fresh pineapple slice.
With a rich history spanning almost a century, Buchanans 12-year old whisky is a highly renowned and prestigious brand in the world of Scotch whisky. Boasting a delicate and fruity taste, complete with hints of orange and chocolate, this whisky can be enjoyed neat or mixed with soda, with a touch of orange peel as garnish. Originally known as Buchanan's Finest Liqueur, the blend was meticulously crafted and approved by the brand's namesake, James Buchanan, resulting in a smooth and refreshing profile that sets it apart from other, more robust whisky blends.
1.5 oz. Buchanan's Deluxe 12 Year Old
5 oz. pineapple juice
1 pineapple slice
1 orange slice
Glassware:Rocks Glass;Highball Glass
Combine Buchanan’s 12-Year-Old DeLuxe and fresh pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker with ice
Shake well
Strain contents into a Highball glass or hollowed-out pineapple over fresh ice
Garnish with a fresh orange slice and fresh pineapple slice.
Bottles came safe and in a reasonable amount of time
The box was well packaged and arrived on time. I've already started telling all my friends.
Received the item in great condition, shipping was fast and seller was awesome! I hope to do business again in the future, thank you very much!